Published on
Sep 13, 2024
Weekly Update

Parent Guild Update

Get Involved! Volunteers Needed: 

Please sign up and update your preferences, for one of the many volunteer opportunities for 2024/2025.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities include:

  • Crusader Shoppe - September 20, 2024, Homecoming
  • President's Pizza Lunch with Grads - October 1, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact us at for more information.

Wednesday, 18 September: Late Start for Students

Schedule IV is in effect. 

Tuesday, 17 September: Grade 12 Scholarship Presentation

Parents of Grade 12 Students
All grade 12 students will attend a presentation about university and scholarships on Tuesday, September 17th.  The presentation will focus on basic university terminology, how to apply for university, important deadlines, scholarships, out of province applications, and many other topics dealing with post-secondary studies.
A video of the presentation will be made available to all grade twelve parents later in September.

Thursday, 19 September : The 46th  Annual Walk

Greetings Parents and Guardians, 

The 46th Annual Walk will be held on Thursday, September 19th at St. Paul’s High School. This is an annual fundraiser that brings together students from St. Paul’s High School, St. Mary’s Academy and Balmoral Hall. The Walk is an all-day event (9:00 am - 2:15 pm) that begins with attendance at St. Paul’s, a walk through Assiniboine Park, and concludes with entertainment and activities at St. Paul’s High School. Along the Walk route there will be refreshments and games. Upon returning, students can purchase food from the St. Paul’s cafeteria or attending food trucks, watch this year’s main entertainer, participate in a variety of games, bounce on inflatables, and more! 

This event includes all students in Grades 9-12 from St. Paul’s, St. Mary’s Academy and Balmoral Hall School. To help make this event possible, a $13 fee will be required from all St. Paul’s students. The fee will help cover the cost of refreshments along the route, as well as the entertainment and activities throughout the day. A link at the end of this message for the Permission Click form will allow parents/guardians to grant permission for their son(s) to participate in The Walk, sign a waiver/acknowledgement of risk form on their behalf, place an optional order for a 2024 Walk sweater ($33), and pay the $13 Walk participation free. If registration has not been completed your son(s) would have received a Teams message on Thursday, September 12 stating this. Payments are only available to be made through Permission Click, no cash or cheque payments will be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances. If there are, please contact Keana Rellinger ( to assist with registration and payment. Registration and payment is due on Friday, September 13th, 2024.  

The 2024-2025 Student Council has selected Kid Sport Manitoba to be the recipient of this year’s donations. Moved by Kid Sport’s commitment to equal and equitable access to sports, and their emphasis on encouraging youth to become and stay active, the Student Council is proud to support an organization that helps so many in our community. Included in this message is a pledge form for students to collect donations from their networks. This is an optional process but any participation is encouraged and greatly appreciated by both Student Council and Kid Sport. 100% of the funds collected are given directly to Kid Sport Manitoba, allowing them to deliver more grants to youth in Manitoba. Students who collect $100 or more in pledges will receive a free Walk sweater (sizes are first come, first served). On the off chance that Student Council sells all sweaters, those who are receiving one via donation/pledges will be included in a second sweater order. We ask that all completed pledge forms are brought to student’s core group teacher no later than Friday, September 13th, 2024. 

Included in this message is a FAQ sheet that will be shared with students on the All Students Teams page. Below are a few key reminders for Walk Day: 

  • Dress code: relaxed dress code is in effect. Please dress appropriately for the weather (rain or shine) and in shoes comfortable for walking, the Walk is about 1 hour and 45 mins long. 
  • Drop off and pick up should be made through the student entrances, not the front office loop. 
  • Students should be at their designated attendance stations for 9:00 am.  
  • Students may bring their own lunch from home, purchase food from food trucks, or the cafeteria using cash or debit.  

Student FAQ's for the Walk


2024-2025 Student Council Executive  


How to Identify Your Son's Counsellor

At St. Paul's High School, every student is assigned to a counsellor. If you want to find out the name of your son's counsellor, watch the video on the right showing you how to access this information through the PowerSchool Parent Portal

Homecoming – FRIDAY, 20 SEPTEMBER!

Countdown to Homecoming: One Week to Go!

The Varsity Crusaders are gearing for an exciting game against the Oak Park Raiders under the vibrant lights of Connolly Field!

Bring family and friends for a night packed with football action, food trucks, face painting, music, and the alumni beer gardens (18+).

The Cru Shoppe will be open!

Kick Off - 6:00 PM

More information can be found HERE.

Parent Advisory Board

Click HERE to read a letter from Kevin Booth, President of St. Paul's High School, regarding the Parent Advisory Board.