Published on
Jun 14, 2024
Weekly Update

2024 Ignatian Challenge Award Tribute Dinner Announcement

St. Paul’s High School is pleased to announce Mr. Mark Chipman '78 as the 2024 Ignatian Challenge Award recipient for this year’s 29th Annual Tribute Dinner on November 12, 2024.

“It is with great enthusiasm that I share with you that my friend and classmate from 1978, Mark Chipman, is the Ignatian Challenge Award recipient for 2024,” states Kevin Booth ’78, President of St. Paul’s High School. “As an alumnus, Mark Chipman ’78 exemplifies the Jesuit ideal of being ‘a man for others.’ His unwavering commitment to compassionate service and leadership in our community is inspiring. Mark’s service to others is a testament to the Ignatian principles of finding God in all things and striving for magis—the deep desire to do more for the Greater Glory of God (AMDG). Embodying the humility, generosity, and integrity that we all aspire to, Mark has been a model of Ignatian ingenuity and innovation. We are honoured to celebrate his remarkable contributions to our community and beyond.”

Click HERE to read the full announcement.

Semester 2 Exams Continue

The regular exam schedule continues on Monday, 17 June and Tuesday, 18 June.

Wednesday, 19 June - Exam Review and Deadline for Clearing Incompletes

Dress Code III: Relaxed

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Students may come to school to review their final exams and speak with their teachers and counsellors. While attendance is not required, students are encouraged to come to school to look over their exam results. Teacher locations will be posted in the school. 

The deadline for submitting work to teachers to clear incompletes (INC) is noon on this day. Students have been made aware by their teachers of any incomplete coursework or outstanding hours to fulfill Ignatian Service hour requirements. In addition, parents of students with incomplete coursework were sent an email notifying them their son has incomplete coursework along with this letter with further details. 

Thursday, 20 June: Textbook Returns - Compulsory for All Students

On Thursday, 20, students will be expected to return all textbooks they were assigned throughout the 2023–2024 school year.  Each grade level has been assigned a time slot during which students in that grade will be required to return their textbooks to Murray Hall.  

  • Grade 9: 9:00 am – 9:45 am
  • Grade 10: 10:00 am – 10:45 am
  • Grade 11: 11:00 am – 11:45 am
  • Grade 12: 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm

One additional time slot will be made available at the end of the day for families that have students in multiple grades.

Multi–Grade: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Textbooks will not be accepted for return prior to June 20th.  If you are unable to attend during your assigned time slot, please arrange for a friend to return your books for you.

Please start looking for any textbooks that are at home, in your car, etc. so that you have them all organized in advance of the day.  Students have been sent a list of books (on Teams) that were assigned to each grade level to aide in the search.
Please note:  If textbooks are not returned (or are returned in an unusable condition), the student will be charged the full replacement cost of the textbook.  If textbooks are returned in a significantly poorer condition than when they were assigned, students will be asked to pay a charge commensurate to the amount of damage.

Friday, 21 June: Closing Mass and Year-end Awards Assembly - Compulsory for Grade 9–11 Students

Dress Code II: Warm Weather Dress Code

All students in grades 9–11 are expected to be in attendance for the school's closing Mass and awards assembly. 

  • 8:25 am Warning Bell
  • 8:30 am Attendance in Core Groups
  • 8:45 am Closing Liturgy in the MultiPlex
  • 10:00 am Grades 9–11 Year-End Awards Assembly
  • 11:20 am Report Cards distributed in Core Groups

Report Cards and 2024–2025 School Year Information

Students received report cards after the Closing Mass and Awards Assembly. Several enclosures will be provided, including an information letter about the 2024–2025 school year, a year calendar, bell schedules, required supplies, and dress code information.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Friday, 21 June is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. National Indigenous Peoples Day was first declared in 1996. For generations, many Indigenous peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year. As such, we would like to share a Cree phrase – ‘Eh kwasky Pannicky Key Si Cow ah’. This translates as “The days are in the process of turning.” 

This is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Although these groups share many similarities, they each have their own distinct heritage, language, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.

While there are no classes scheduled on this day, we encourage all students and their families to reflect on how they may celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day. Click the following link for more information about this dayand other resources. National Indigenous Peoples Day Information and Resources

From the Parent Guild

Textbook Return and Clothing Donations

Our Nearly New Committee is accepting donations of gently used polo shirts, uniform wear, suits and branded St Paul’s clothing. Consider going through your son’s St. Paul’s attire and donating items that he has grown out of or no longer needs. Please have your boys drop off the items on June 20th at the front reception.

Grade 12 parents

We really appreciated all the work our grade 12 parents have done this year. Your willingness to help allowed the SPHS boys and their parents to experience all the events we had set out for the year! All good things must come to an end and on that note, we would appreciate it if all our grade 12 parents could follow this link and remove your name from each area in the Sign-Up list.

Parents for Others

If you still want to be involved in the school next year and connect with alumni parents, there is still a place for you. Parents for Others’ (PFO) main objective is to connect past parents with each other at PFO events. To be added to the list, contact Kate at

School Computers for Sale

The school is selling a number of lab computers to students and parents who may be interested in purchasing one. Please see the document linked below for details on the hardware we have for sale as well as a link to a survey to indicate your interest. Those interested will be contacted with details on payment and a pick-up timeframe.

Purchase Interest Survey Link