Published on
Oct 4, 2024
Weekly Update

St. Paul's High School: Mission Vision Values

We are excited to share a new video that reflects the heart of St. Paul’s High School – our mission and refreshed vision and values. This is more than just words; it’s the foundation for our future, guiding the development of our new strategic plan and upcoming Centennial celebrations in 2026. Take a few minutes to watch and see how these principles will continue to inspire what’s next for our school!

From the Advancement Office

The 2024 Crusader Cash Raffle launches TODAY

You will receive an email from Rafflebox, our online raffle platform, containing a custom link to buy tickets to support your son’s Crusader Raffle today (October 4th). Students are asked to sell a minimum of $200 of tickets. Tickets are on sale until midnight on November 19, 2024.

The Crusader Raffle is our annual student fundraiser in support of School Programs and Grad Fund.

The following cash prizes will be drawn on Thursday, November 21, 2024:

  • 1st prize - $10,000
  • 2nd prize - $5,000
  • 3rd prize - $2,000
  • 4th prize - $1,000
  • 5th prize - $1,000
  • 6th prize - $1,000

We have many seller incentives for students! Each week students can win different prizes including gift cards to the Cru Shoppe and Cafeteria, Jets tickets and special dress code incentives when they have reached their quota of $200 in ticket sales. The top 3 sellers will also win a gift card to a retailer of their choice:

  • 1st – $300 Amazon Gift Card
  • 2nd – $200 Apple Gift Card
  • 3rd – $100 Cru Shoppe Gift Card

Thank you in advance for your support of the 2024 Crusader Raffle. For more information, contact the Advancement Office at (204) 831-2325 or email

Monday, 7 October: Late Start for Students

Schedule IV is in effect.

Wednesday, 9 October: Late Start for Students

Schedule IV is in effect.

Math Contests at St. Paul's

If your son is interested in participating in Math contests this fall, please have him complete the following form by October 8th. There will be a separate sign up for the Waterloo Math contest that takes place in February.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Fiebelkorn or Mrs. Moore.


Parent Guild Meeting

We hope you will join us next Wednesday!

  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • 7 p.m. – Aulneau Room

From the Counselling Department

The University of Calgary will visit St. Paul's to talk with interested students at lunch in the library hallway on October 8th.

A reminder that Loran Scholarship applications are due October 15 and University of Toronto's 2025 National Scholarship is due October 17, 2024 (11:59pm EDT).

Repeating Courses/On-Line Courses/ Summer School to Increase Academic Average:

At St. Paul's High School, students are expected to carry the full academic load required each year. While courses may be repeated through online study or summer school, it is important to recognize that these alternatives may not provide the same level of rigor as in-school courses. As a result, students who pursue these options may be less prepared to continue in that subject area, either at St. Paul's or in university.

If a student hopes to increase his admission average by repeating a course at SPHS, taking a class on InformNet, or taking a class in summer school, be aware that it may not be admissible at some universities.  Students should check carefully the admission rules. See below for a few examples where repeating courses or taking them outside of school would be problematic:

University of Toronto

  • While we do not discourage applicants from repeating courses, it is the policy of the University of Toronto Engineering Admissions Committee to consider only first-attempt marks. 

University of Waterloo

  • If you're applying to an Engineering program and you repeat a required course, you may have five percentage marks (5%) deducted from your admission average. If your grade was 70% or higher the first time you took a required course, we'll use that grade and not adjust your admission average. Repeated courses may impact your eligibility for scholarships. When you submit your online Admission Information Form (AIF), you'll be asked to explain why you repeated any courses.
  • If you’re applying to a program in the Faculty of Mathematics and you repeat any Grade 12 course or take any Grade 12 course outside of your regular day school, you may jeopardize your chances of being admitted.

Explore Science Day- University of Manitoba

The Faculty of Science is hosting new outreach day where high school students get to experience a day in the life of a university student. Explore Science Day will be a chance for Grade 12 students to explore the various departments, labs, and spaces the University of Manitoba offers.

What is Explore Science Day?

Explore Science Day is a free outreach event where high school students will be to visit the Fort Garry campus, be in labs and lecture halls, hear from faculty, talk to advisors, and meet some student clubs. Students will be given the chance to explore their interest by selecting between guided programs in one of seven science departments. Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics & Astronomy and Statistics will be taking part in this free day.

  • Date: November 13th, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:10 p.m.
  • Location: University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus

Eligibility and Application information

  • Eligibility: This event is open to students in Grade 12. Spots are offered on a first come first served basis.
  • Application link – please use this link.

There are regular classes at St. Paul’s on this day so any students attending Explore Science Day will need to be excused by his parents. 

Thursday, 17 October: Jesuit Education Evening

Grade 9 parents are invited to attend an evening where they will learn more about what it means for their sons to receive a JESUIT EDUCATION for the next 4 years. This evening will be held on Thursday evening, October 17th, 7:00-8:30pm.  Please use this link to register.

Mr. Ray Comeault

Director of Mission and Ignatian Identity

Calendar Change: Regular School Day on Friday, 25 October

Please be advised that Friday, 25 October, will now be a regular school day (Day A) for all students. The previously scheduled Professional Development Day has been postponed to allow for strategic planning later in the school year. The new date for the PD Day will be announced as soon as it is confirmed.