Published on
Jun 28, 2024
Weekly Update

Celebrating the Class of 2024

This week was a celebration culminating in the last 12 years of hard work for the Class of 2024.

Members of the St. Paul's High School Class of 2024 walked across the stage, received their diplomas, and joined a network of over 12,000+ alumni! Valedictorian James Chapman ’24 reminisced over the last four years at St. Paul’s and what it means to be a Crusader.

Missed convocation? Watch the ceremony HERE

Note: Links to access convocation photos will be emailed to grade twelve parents as soon as they are available. 

St. Paul's is  incredibly proud of all members of the St. Paul’s Class of 2024. Congratulations, gentlemen! May God bless each of you as you venture into your future!


Farewell to St. Paul’s Staff

Fr. Boutilier, S.J.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to Fr. Michel Boutilier for 23 years of faith-filled service as our school Chaplain, providing liturgy and supporting the spiritual growth of our students through teaching and retreats. Let us keep Fr. Boutilier in our prayers as he embarks on his next mission as Chaplain at Brebeuf College High School in Toronto.

Cari Friesen

We thank Ms. Cari Friesen for two and a half years of dedicated service to the school, teaching Mathematics and providing invaluable guidance and help to students who needed support. We wish her all the best in your new position at St. Boniface Diocesan High School next school year.

Joan Trimble

After a decade of dedicated service, Ms. Joan Trimble is leaving St. Paul's to take on a vice principal position at St. Mary's Academy. Throughout her ten years with us, Ms. Trimble has been a cornerstone of our English Language Arts department, teaching both standard and Advanced Placement English courses. Her commitment to supporting students extended beyond the classroom, providing English language support and serving as the head of the English department.

Ms. Trimble's influence reached into co-curricular activities as well. As the debate coach, she inspired students to develop their critical thinking and public speaking skills. Additionally, her involvement with the Dramatic Society, including directing plays, showcased her dedication to the arts. One of her most notable contributions was leading the stained glass window art project, a tribute to our staff's excellence as Ignatian educators.

We are grateful for Ms. Trimble's ten years of exceptional service and her commitment to education and the arts. We wish her all the best in her new role, knowing that her impact will continue to inspire our school community.

Lloyd Voth

After 43 years of incredible service, Mr. Lloyd Voth retired last January, leaving behind a legacy of dedication and excellence. Throughout his career, Mr. Voth made significant contributions to our school community teaching Physical Education, Health, and Biology, and as a Vice Principal. Mr. Voth was instrumental in the creation and success of the school’s Volleyball Program, helping establish it as a hallmark of our athletic offerings. We are grateful for Mr. Voth's extraordinary service and commitment. As he embarks on this new chapter of his life, we wish Mr. Voth a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement.

Faculty Appointments: 2024–2025 School Year

Fr. Con Mulvihill, S.J.

Devyn Turner ’18

Mr. Devyn Turner will be joining the St. Paul’s High School staff for a full-time, term teaching position in the English department for the 2024–2025 school year. Mr. Turner holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba, with specializations in Criminology and History. He completed his Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Winnipeg this June. Mr. Turner is also a member of the St. Paul’s High School Class of 2018.

Mr. Turner’s practical experience includes teaching practicums at École Secondaire Kelvin High School and Isaac Newton School, where he instructed various courses in English Language Arts and Social Studies. Additionally, he has contributed to the school community as a defensive line coach on the Varsity Crusader Football team since 2022.

Marko Klimenko ’15

Mr. Marko Klimenko will be joining the St. Paul’s High School staff for a full-time teaching position in the Math and Social Studies departments for the 2024–2025 school year. Mr. Klimenko holds bachelor’s degrees in Arts and Education from the University of Winnipeg, with specializations in Geography and Economics. He is also an alumnus of the St. Paul’s High School Class of 2015.

Mr. Klimenko has taught Math, Science, and Social Studies at Chief Peguis Middle School for the past two years. Additionally, he has contributed to the school community as a coach in the Crusader Rugby program since graduating from St. Paul’s.

Closed for Summer

This is the final news post of this school year. Regular weekly news posts will resume in late August in preparation for the new school year commencing in September. 

  • The school will re-open on Monday, August 19th
  • Crusader Shoppe orders will be filled after August 30th.

Academic Transcript Requests

Students requiring acadmic transcripts over the summer should request them by clicking on the button below. School office hours are restricted over the summer and transcript requests may require 7–10 business days to be processed. 

Have a wonderful Summer!

We wish all students and thier families a peaceful and enjoyable summer filled with many blessings. 

A Summer Prayer

Father, Creator of all, thank You for summer!

Thank you for the warmth of the sun

and the increased daylight.

Thank You for the beauty I see all around me

and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation.

Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family,

and for the more casual pace of the summer season.

Draw me closer to You this summer.

Teach me how I can pray

no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence

and light my path with Your Word and Counsel.

As I enjoy Your creation, create in me

a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You.
