Peace of Christ!

Welcome to the website of St. Paul’s High School, I hope that your visit will provide you with what you are seeking. This website reflects the community that this school is, a community of students and their families, of faculty and staff and board members, of school alumni and friends.

St. Paul’s High School is located on Treaty One territory, the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and the homeland of the Metis Nation. St. Paul’s High School is committed to a respectful promotion of reconciliation and collaboration with all indigenous and non-indigenous communities. 

St. Paul’s High School is an independent Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition. The Jesuit tradition has flourished for over 450 years, since the first Jesuit school opened in Messina, Italy in 1558.  A Jesuit education aims to form men and women of competence, conscience, and compassion, who are intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice in generous service to the people of God. These essential characteristics and values are woven into the fabric of St. Paul’s High School and all of this is solidly rooted in the spiritual tradition of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder. 

Our curriculum endeavors to form students into leaders on the model of Jesus’s leadership, who came “not to be served but to serve.” (Mk.10:45) Whether it is on the field or on the stage, in the classroom or in a community service placement, students learn to put their gifts, talents, hopes, and dreams at the service of others, for the only valid leaders are the ones who serve others, not themselves. And, just as importantly, the adults in our community hold themselves to this standard in their service of the students.

Thank you for visiting this site. May God bless you!

Mr. Kevin Booth '78
